I've finally got around to making a blog! Woooo! Although this is my first post it's not going to be very long because i'm tired and all that jazz but thought I'd write something anyway. Clearly I haven't mastered the ways of blogging yet but oh well that comes in time...
Anyway! I just finished watching John Pilger's 'The war you don't see' and if anybody hasn't seen it I'd DEFINITELY recommend it! John Pilger is amazing and the actual documentary consists of different subjects.
The chapters are:
1) Introduction
2) 'Embedding'
3) The Fallujah nightmare
4) Political Lies
5) The 'Dodgy Dossier'
6) The Vietnam War
7) Bombing Afghanistan
8) The forgotten victims
9) 'More Bad News From Israel'
10) Brand Obama
11) WikiLeaks
12) 'A permanent state of war'
If I know you, ASK to borrow the DVD off me!
If I dont know you, then here's a link you can watch it on